51 Ways To Know If They Are Madly In Love.
There is love, There is like,There is lust and madly in Love. It's a feeling from the heart and here are the 51 signs that suggests if one is madly in love with you.
- They talk about your future together.
2. Nothing can stop them from being with you.
3. They only have eyes for you. In a room full of people, you are the only person they see in color.
4. They cook your favorite foods for you.
5. They dress up for you and keep themselves well-groomed.
6. They will watch your favorite show with you, even if they don’t like it.
7. They give you thoughtful gifts.
8. They write you poetry and love letters.
9. Just looking at you makes them smile
10. They pray together.
11. They look deeply into your eyes.
12. They tell you they’re madly in love with you. You shouldn’t have to guess! They return your calls and texts right away.
13. They update their Facebook (and other social media) status to “In a Relationship.”
14.They take lots of pictures with you and share them with friends and loved ones.
15. They give you things you treasure.
16. They meet your major criteria for the ideal significant other.
17. They introduce you to their parents or the people who matter most in their life.
18. They want to celebrate Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, birthdays and holidays with you.
19.They stop playing games with you when you agree to become exclusive.
20.They write meaningful messages in the cards they give you.
21. They trust you enough to give you their bank account info and share credit cards.
Know if you should trust them.
22. They ask you to move in with them.
23 They try not to wake you up when you’re sleeping.
24. They help you quit bad habits because your health means a lot to them.
25. They plan vacations with you.
26. They compliment you often.
27. They say “I love you” regularly.
28. They like it and put a ring on it.
30. They plan regular date nights.
31. They put up with your drama and listen to your problems.
32. They validate your feelings even when they don’t agree with you.
33. They give you massages.
34. They make sure you orgasm when they make love to you.
35. They would risk their life for you.
36. They want to protect you from harm.
37. They will defend you.
38. They remember the important stuff.
39. They keep their word.
40. They keep your secrets.
41. They miss you when you’re not around and let you know.
42. They will trim your hair, give you a manicure and clean your wounds.
43. They have the patience to teach you anything like chess, driving stick and cooking.
44. They are always there when you need them.
45. They help you with the chores.
46. They still like to find out new things about you.
47. Their eyes light up when they see you.
48. They let you know where they are at all times.
49. They forgive you after you make mistakes.
50. They never give up, no matter how hard life gets.
51. They make you smile.
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